Following an Accelerated Misconduct Hearing hearing held on 16th May 2024 at Force Headquarters, Northallerton, North Yorkshire Police has published its outcome:

It was alleged that former officer PC1049 Ethan Wigglesworth’s conduct amounted to gross misconduct in that he behaved in the manner described below and that his conduct breached the following Standards of Professional Behaviour:

  • Discreditable Conduct
  • Fitness for Duty.
  1. On 5th January 2024, PC 1049 Ethan Wigglesworth was subject to a with cause drug test whilst on duty.
  2. The testing was conducted by a specialist laboratory which, on 2nd February 2024, identified that PC 1049 Ethan Wigglesworth had the following substances in his system.
  • Androgenic Steroids
  • Anabolic Steroids
  1. The consumption of Androgenic or Anabolic Steroids is not conducive with being a serving police officer.
  2. The levels identified are demonstrative of substance misuse and both are In conflict with North Yorkshire Policy and amount to a breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour in relation to Discreditable Conduct and Fitness for Duty.

Balancing all the factors, including the absence of any mitigating factors, it was concluded by the Panel Chair, Chief Constable Tim Forber, that the actions of ex-PC Wigglesworth amounted to Gross Misconduct and had he not resigned from North Yorkshire Police he would have been dismissed without notice.

He was a student police officer, with around three years service, when the offences came to light and will now be placed on the College of Policing barred list preventing him from re-entering the police service elsewhere. He agreed, before resigning that his conduct warranted dismissal and apologised.

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Page last updated: Sunday 26th May, 2024 at 0925 hours

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Picture credit: LinkedIn – Paul Garbarino

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