A misconduct hearing set to determine allegations against Northamptonshire’s chief constable, Nick Adderley, regarding the misrepresentation of his military service, has been unexpectedly postponed.

Originally scheduled for today, (Wednesday 28th February), the planned one day hearing was postponed at the last minute due to concerns over the allotted time for a thorough examination of the case, according to the panel’s chairman, Callum Cowx.

Mr. Cowx cited insufficient time for proper deliberation as the reason for the postponement, leading to a re-scheduling of the hearing, this time over three days, beginning on 28th May.

The allegations against Mr. Adderley arose following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). He is accused of falsely wearing a Falklands War medal and claiming to be a Royal Navy officer.

Mr. Cowx, a former Royal Navy officer himself, initially decided to hold the hearing in private following representations from the involved parties, but has faced challenges to that decision from the BBC and other media outlets. The NN Journal, which has reported extensively and in depth about the case, says: “We had been told yesterday evening by the Legally Qualified Chair, Callum Cowx, that we could make a representation at tomorrow’s planned hearing to have it heard in public. There has since then been radio silence and now the information has been given to just one media outlet [The Northants Telegraph, it seems].”

The hearing Panel will consist of Mr Cowx, a former judge in India, a representative of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary and an independent panel member drawn from a list maintained by the Northants Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

In a statement, the PCC says, “Following a case management meeting today, the Legally Qualified Chair has taken the decision to adjourn the accelerated misconduct hearing for Chief Constable Adderley.”

He adds, “It was decided that there was insufficient time to properly hear the case in a single day, and so it will be re-listed for a three-day hearing.”

Mr. Adderley’s disciplinary process was expedited after the IOPC found grounds for gross misconduct. Additionally, the police watchdog is conducting a criminal investigation and will determine whether to refer the case to the Crown Prosecution Service for potential criminal charges.

Pending the outcome of the investigation, Mr. Adderley remains suspended from duty, with his deputy, Ivan Balhatchet, serving as the acting Northamptonshire chief constable.

Responding to previous allegations, Mr. Adderley claimed last year that he wore his own medals alongside those gifted by his brothers during difficult times in their lives.

In December, it was reported that Mr. Adderley had falsely claimed to be a Royal Navy officer, despite serving in the Royal Navy for less than two years as a rating.

Furthermore, revelations by a red-top national newspaper highlighted Mr. Adderley’s wearing of a Falklands War campaign medal, despite being 15 years old at the time of the conflict. He was dubbed a ‘Walter Mitty’ character as a result.

The new date falls after the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections set to take place on 3rd May, 2024. The Northamptonshire incumbent, Stephen Mold, is regarded as a close friend of CC Adderley, a former senior officer serving with Greater Manchester Police.

The Legally Qualified Chair has offered no explanation why the statutory notices regarding the misconduct hearing appeared to exclude the word ‘accelerated’.

The Northants Telegraph has reported that the postponement of the hearing for 13 weeks means CC Adderley will be paid in the region of £41,250 between now and 28th May, 2024. Enough to pay two police constables for a year. The PCC has previously confirmed that the police force budget has “sufficient contingency” to continue paying Adderley throughout this period.

Page last updated: Wednesday 28th February 2024 at 1005 hours

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Picture credit: Northants Police

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3 responses to “‘Walter Mitty’ misconduct hearing unexpectedly postponed until May 2024”

  1. […] Those proceedings are listed to take place in May, 2024 (read more here). […]


  2. […] Nick Adderley has been dubbed a ‘Walter Mitty’ type character by the national press given his now proven propensity to lie and fantasise over a very long period (over 30 years) on a wide range of topics. Mostly connected, but not confined, to bogus career achievements (read more here).  […]


  3. […] The three-day hearing was due to take place in February, 2024, but was unexpectedly postponed until 28th May (read more here). […]


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