A Gross Misconduct Hearing is to be held between 3rd-5th June 2024, commencing at 10:00hrs on day one, at West Yorkshire Police Headquarters, Laburnum Road, Wakefield, concerning Police Constable Jack Cunningham

It is alleged that whilst undergoing police officer training, PC Cunningham made inappropriate and sexual comments to another officer both verbally and through messages.

In behaving in such a way, it is alleged that PC Cunningham acted in breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour relating to:

Discreditable Conduct; Equality and Diversity; and Authority, Respect and Courtesy.

The force has, so far, provided no details of when and where the incident(s) took place or PC Cunningham’s present duty status.

It is assumed from the length of the hearing that the allegations will be defended and the subject officer legally represented.

WYP’s press office has been asked to assist with the missing details.

Follow Neil Wilby on Twitter (here) and Neil Wilby Media on Facebook (here) for signposts to any updates.

Page last updated: Sunday 26th May, 2024 at 0755 hours

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Picture credit: WYP

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